S3C becomes new member of EWJI


  • The national association S3C has become a new member of the European Water Jetting Institute, EWJI. 

About S3C

The Système de Certification, Compétence et Conformité, S3C, is a French association whose priority is the safety of people and facilities, attending to the notions of responsability and individual competence.

The association proposes a certification not only on the conformity of the equipment and tools, but also on the operational procedures and competence of its users.

The S3C, is an independent and objective association, created on the initiative of the FNSA, SYFFA, TOTAL, EXXON, the MASE UIC system and the SIR. Its aim is to verify skills by means of a theoretical and practical examination that results in a certification granted to the natural person for a fixed term.

The S3C association is aimed at professionals who work in service companies, industrial user and temporary employment communities, and manufacturers and suppliers of materials and equipment.
