
EWJI Organization

The governance of EWJI is done through the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.

The executive and daily management of EWJI is done by the EWJI Secretariat.

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the organization, in which all the members are represented. EWJI is fully owned by its members.

The EWJI General Assembly usually meets once per year, at the EWJI Annual event.

The role of the General Assembly is to define and monitor the main goals of the organization.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the governance body managing the interests of the organization, in accordance with the directives of the General Assembly.

The members of EWJI Board of Directors are:



Mr. Hans Borgt, DOW CHEMICAL (NL)

Representing asset owners

Vice President

Mr. Jan van der Wal, STONAGE (NL)

Representing supplier – Industrial cleaning applications


Mr. Patrik Andersson, AQUAJET (SE)

Representing supplier – Construction and surface preparation applications

Board member

Mr. Stuart Harwood, S3C (FR)

Representing National Associations

Board member

Mr. Per-Arne Andersson, TST (SE)

Representing the supplier – Health and safety perspective

Board member

Mr.Henrik Bøgeskov, IBKA GROUP (DK)
Representing contrators


The EWJI Secretariat works to provide support to members, following the guidelines of the Board of Directors and acts on behalf of organization towards Public Administrations and other stakeholders.

The Secretariat manages the regular activities and meetings of the organization.

The team of the Secretariat is provided by the company RABUSO, hired by EWJI for this purpose.

Secretary General

Jose Blanco, RABUSO (ES)