
What is EWJI?

The European Water Jetting Institute, EWJI, was founded in March 20, 2013, according to European law for non-profit associations. The EWJI bylaws, VAT number and official registration documents are published at:

EWJI is legally registered as a non-profit association in Madrid (Spain), with European scope, with EU VAT number and registered in Brussels under the European Union Transparency Register, for the European Parliament and the European Commission.

EWJI is fully owned by its members:

What is the purpose of EWJI?

The mission of the European Water Jetting Institute, EWJI, is to promote the water jetting industry and its applications in Europe, towards the highest standards of safety, professional integrity and quality of service.

To achieve this mission, EWJI works to create and uphold a global network of professionals and information, including companies (contractors, manufacturers and asset owners) and associations, stakeholders and legislators, managers and workers, … all of them working together to develop and share best practices, regulations and training.

EWJI encourages the sharing and exchange of knowledge, to foster the development of the water jetting techniques and applications, creating cross border opportunities and growth for the industry.

What is the water jetting scope for EWJI?

Through the combination of certain parameters (pressure, flow, temperature and distance) water offers multiple possibilities as a tool, and water jetting allows for several applications.

EWJI focusses mainly in water jetting applications with common issues. The water jetting services are provided wherever is needed by transporting and installing the equipment (pumps, hoses, robotics, nozzles ,…) including applications such as cleaning, cutting, sanitizing, scarifying or even selective demolition.

Directly linked with water jetting is also the use of vacuum technologies, to either prepare for or remove the materials generated before, during or after the water applications. And in some cases, there is also an important amount of work related with auxiliary equipment, such as scaffolding, access, protection or even engineering to prepare for the work itself.

The scope of EWJI includes:

  • Industrial cleaning and maintenance
  • Municipal cleaning
  • Removal of coating and surface preparation
  • Concrete removal and hydrodemolition
  • Inspection, assessment, training and other activities related with these areas of application

The EWJI scope embraces everything related with these applications of water jetting, including the three parts of every job: technical, safety and environmental.

What are the EWJI objectives?

EWJI, as a non-profit organization, has the following objectives:

  • To be involved in and have an impact on health and safety standards, best practices, training and legislation related with water jetting
  • To promote European regulations and reference documents on water jetting techniques, to improve the processes and ensure quality
  • To create a network for open communication and exchange among water jetting professionals, companies, associations and related stakeholders
  • To look after, promote and protect the interests of the water jetting industry in Europe
  • To exchange information on techniques, applications and working methods among the industry and with other related industries
  • To foster innovation, through research and cooperation between the industry and universities, and to facilitate the access to funding available for these purposes
  • To support the existing associations and foster the creation of new organizations in Europe, sharing the knowledge and best practices related with water jetting
  • To contact and cooperate with similar organizations in other parts of the world

How does EWJI work?

The governance of EWJI is done through the General Assembly and the Board of Directors. The executive and daily management of EWJI is done by the EWJI Secretariat.

For more information about the EWJI organization and to meet the EWJI Board members visit:

To develop its activities and work towards its goals, EWJI has several working groups. These working groups focus on specific topics and are open to the participation of any EWJI members. For more information visit:

Who can get involved in EWJI?

EWJI is an umbrella organization and a networking point meant for direct membership of associations, contractors, suppliers, asset owners and other related stakeholders.

As a non-profit institute, EWJI also embraces the direct participation, as partners, in the development of the trade of other interrelated organizations, such as public administrations, health and safety organizations, universities, research centers and press.


Where is EWJI and how to contact?

The EWJI legal address and headquarters are in Madrid: Av. Rey Juan Carlos 92, 3rd floor – 28916 Leganés – Madrid (SPAIN).

EWJI also has offices in Brussels: Rue des Colonies 11, 1st floor – 1000 Brussels (BELGIUM)

To contact EWJI visit: