Have you read the health and safety guide in water jetting?




  • A simple, visual reference guide for the reduction of injuries and illnesses related to water jetting

From EWJI we have published a document for the reduction of injuries and illnesses, and the possible feeling of insecurity that can be generated in workers and companies related to water jetting.

A simple and visual reference guide with the participation of all professionals involved in the use of water jetting in different applications such as industrial cleaning, municipal sanitation, construction, surface preparation or hydrodemolition.

At EWJI we believe that going to work should never be accompanied by the fear or apprehension that can be generated by lack of training or insecurity of the systems, which is why we are committed to publications like this one, with which we share knowledge and seek to train professionals in the sector.

We hope that this publication, developed by EWJI, will be accepted as a guideline throughout Europe.

