Industrial Cleaning: What you need to know


As asset owners we see the definition “Automation” as part of the development process to increase safety performance, efficiency on site and reduce the impact on the environment
which we begun a few years ago. We define the new working methods being employed on site as “fully automated, semi-automated or mechanized”.

For example, the fully automated heat-exchanger cleaners still haven´t made the breakthrough to being a one button, start-stop, system. Most of the cleaning frames used in BASF are being run by operators with a control station. The main goal we followed with automation was to get the contracted workers “out of the line of fire”.

To use systems whereby the operator could set up the cleaning equipment and manipulate the cleaning frame from a safe distance reducing the risk when cleaning hazardous materials……

Do you want to continue reading? Then you should visit the EWJI Yearbook 2021.